Aspen Therapy Collective

Lafayette, CO

You are Welcome Here

We celebrate diversity and strive to make our office a space that is more inclusive and less oppressive to all of people’s many identities, including race, skin color, ethnicity, immigration status, country of origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religious beliefs, relationship status, family structure, education, class, age, size, and ability.

400 E. Simpson St. Suite 230, Lafayette, CO 80026

Phone: 970-415-7974

Fax: 844-742-8360

Interested in Beginning Therapy

To inquire about or begin services with Aspen Therapy Collective, please click the link below to complete the new client inquiry form. This is a secure/encrypted form:

New Client Inquiry Form

Consulta de Nuevo Cliente


To submit a general question, comment, or to send us a document through a secure format, please follow the link below to contact us:

Secure Contact Form

We look forward to hearing from you!

Are we already working together, and you need to schedule your next appointment? Here is the portal link to self-schedule: